Market Savvy Blog
I don’t know about you, but I’m on news-overload. It’s so easy to get overwhelmed. Unemployment is high and millions of people are out of work. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.
Theresa Marcroft, Silicon Valley marketing expert, aims to help solve the tech startup failure rate in her new book, The Path to Revenue: Secrets of Successful Tech Leaders. The book is available today, Tuesday, October 13th both on Kindle and in paperback.
Adding women to the board isn't the extent of needed diversification. Most companies don’t have marketing expertise on their Boards, so they don’t even realize that their company is struggling because of market-related issues.
Let’s ensure that you have a comprehensive and effective program that results in increased revenue and market share.
SV Business Journal chooses 100 women making an impact on our economy, and serving others as mentors and leaders.
Most startups fail for marketing-related reasons yet most don’t include marketing expertise on their Boards.