Songbird. Effortless music discovery.
Interim Chief Marketing Officer, 2012
This was a whirlwind project! I started work with Songbird on April 17, 2012; and the CEO wanted a launch on June 12, 2012.
Songbird already has an installed base of approx. 9.8 million users, 90+% of them outside of the United States. And they wanted to launch a suite of music apps, working on Android devices, desktop and web. Since we were announcing a music app, it seemed smart to show it, rather than use numerous words to describe it. So early on, I suggested using video to communicate the Songbird music experience.
With only two months to launch, we got down to business quickly to plan, prepare for, and execute our very comprehensive launch plan. Between April 17 and June 12, here was the list of projects planned & delivered:
Fast track marketing plan; development of strategy for June launch.
Rapid sketch of competitive landscape.
Positioning & messaging, incl.
Validation through a brief survey of ~500 users.
Corporate presentation developed to communicate messaging.
Placement & promotion in Google Play & Amazon store.
Creation of (an award-winning) short video clip to tell the story, now on
Complete redesign of the web site.
Copy writing of the entire site, along w Exec Team.
Creation of a press page with a ‘virtual press kit’ including downloadable screen shots on all platforms (Android, desktop, web) and logo.
Creation of a Reviewers' Guide & FAQs to ensure that reviewers stay on-point.
Development of a "Fan Engagement" Plan:
Deployment of a 'fan participation’ contest through social media, supported with a Media alert and an email blast
Development of a music festival outreach strategy to target fans at festivals.
Developed calendar of upcoming festival opportunities.
Created ad in BamaJam Festival program guide containing a QR code to download to Android phones at the festival.
Work to coordinate overall PR launch w/ Spiral PR Group. Two best articles were:
PC World, Armando Rodriguez; “Songbird get Social, Creates the Pinterest of Music”
Hypebot, Clyde Smith; “Songbird Pivots to Music Discovery”
There were several smaller articles & mentions, and some still coming in.
Wrap up work & provide a smooth hand-off to client.
Provided ideas for next steps including
Thoughts on a mobile ad campaign to target Android phone users,
Production calendar for ongoing social media engagement,
Music festival calendar for coming 3 months of opportunities.
Cost effective ideas for sustaining PR efforts.
Songbird. Effortless music discovery.
Net net: Launched Songbird into the Android app market - three months from start to launch with strong analyst support.
“Without a doubt, Theresa, you did what few could have done ... took our marketing from 0 to 60 in nothing flat! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”